Soaping temperatures...Don't believe the hype!

Diamond CBD
Eucalyptus Mint
Room Temperature soap making saved my life! Really, my personality doesn't work with taking temps. When I first made soaps I hot processed and wasn't concerned about temps, except for adding fragrance not to flash it off. I swore by HP, but I knew cold process was coming. I could see it on the horizon. I still didn't want to deal with those dang temps. Anyway, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I master batch my go-to recipe to have all the oils ready and available. I make my lye solution a few hours in advance - if I'm in a hurry, I put it in the fridge - prep other ingredients in advance, so all I need to do is measure my oils from the batch and go. Soap is made fast when the pep is done and I don't have to worry if the oils and lye solution are at the appropriate temps. I don't think I'll CP soap any other way again. Happy soaping makes for Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious soap! Eh?Check out this post from Faerie Made.
Soaping temperatures...Don't believe the hype! Soaping temperatures...Don't believe the hype! Reviewed by Frankinscience on October 12, 2014 Rating: 5

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