Diamond CBD

Due Diligence

Greetings, y'all! I'll get right to it. I get irritated I with with false claims for the sake of marketing a product. I feel if a product is legit you just say what it is without "preying" on the needs of the consumer. Organic, natural, no chemicals, gluten free, etc. Gluten affects the system internally. Everything is a chemical and we all are chemically composed, Organic does not mean without pesticides or ethically better. Water is not organic. Get it? Natural is good, but it can be so broad it can be applied to dirt, poison and toe jam. Right?

That being said, we need to be 
smart enough not to buy into marketing buzz words and perform our due diligence, choosing wisely what is best for our personal needs based on sound knowledge.

Gluten is not absorbed through the skin so remind yourself that gluten free hair products, make up and clothing make no sense unless you're going to eat them.

Fighting the cause for transparency.

Due Diligence Due Diligence Reviewed by Frankinscience on February 09, 2016 Rating: 5

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