Diamond CBD

Today in the Soap Kitchen

Soap making
A howdy-doodee greetings to y'all this TGIF! I'm in the soap kitchen processing produce to work with this evening to make my Gorda™ Artisan Soaps and to freeze for later batches. I realize I have a lot of green that has to be used for soap, and soap I will be making, so wait for it. Many green soaps coming soon. Hopefully, it won't get boring. Nah, I don't think so. LOL!

Early, yesterday morning (5:00 am), I made a new soap with fresh ginger, coconut milk, turmeric and black pepper. Sounds exotic, doesn't it? I scented it with a combo of citrus, ginger, lemongrass and black pepper. Swoon to the maximum! I'm gonna show you a pic. Okay?
Handmade soap
GAS Ginger-Black Pepper

Handmade soap
GAS Ginger-Black Pepper

Handmade soap
GAS Ginger-Black Pepper
WOW! Gorgeous, yummy soaps, huh?

As for all my beautiful green produce, I made another batch of the facial soap (I have to name her) in large 9.5 oz bars for sale online. The previous bars are 5 oz and are for sell at outdoor venues. I gave myself permission to make new soaps without the quilt of not restocking the old ones. I'll get back to them in a few. Check out the green. They're smiling at you. ;-)

Handmade soap
GAS Green Goddess

Handmade soap
GAS Green Goddess
I love making soap with food as much as I love soapmaking. Signing off for now, finding my bliss through beauty for ashes. Have a great evening and God be with you.

Mmm, I'm hungry! Now I shall eat.

Today in the Soap Kitchen Today in the Soap Kitchen Reviewed by Frankinscience on April 22, 2016 Rating: 5

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