Hey, Y'all! Want a glowing complexion like you've been eating summer peaches all year long? Well, it's important that you have the right tools and potions and it's easy to build your own regimen, one that you can follow to get the results you're working for.
If you can, it's a good idea to check with a dermatologist just to assess your skin type and any problems that may limit product use or if your skin requires professional assistance. Your outcome will determine the kind of products to use for your skin type. Do product research and ask for samples to try out. Determine your goals and be honest about if you want a minimalist approach or something fussy with a lot of products and more steps.
Hyperpigmentation is a fairly broad term, the basic definition is an increase in melanin that produces pigment in the skin treatment should really depend on the source of the hyperpigmentation. Soy consumption may support skin health by supplying high-quality protein needed for building and maintaining collagen, the material essential to connective tissues.
Select a moisturizer that contains skin-repairing humectants. Also look for skin products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), compounds that help reduce wrinkles and improve dry skin, acne, and age spots. Take rose hips every morning to help build collagen. Rich in vitamin C, rose hips (available at drugstores) can help keep skin smooth and youthful. Take a high-potency multivitamin every day. Many nutrients are vital to healthy skin, including vitamins C, A, and B. Switch moisturizers every time the seasons change.
Skin needs more moisture in the winter than in the summer and you want to make to:
- Get adequate rest
- Fuel your body with good nutrition
- Get proper exercise
- Wash/cleanse gently but thoroughly
- Exfoliate regularly
- Allow your skin some rest to rejuvenate
- Tone/stimulate and massage
- Moisturize/protect and prime for a dewy even complexion

Kiehl's | Since 1851 Clearly Corrective™ Skin Brightening Exfoliator

Kiehl's | Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Mask

Eve Lom | White Brightening Mask (8 count)

Fresh | Vitamin Nectar Moisture Glow Face Cream
Burt's Bees Brightening Even Skin Tone Moisturizing Cream
African Botanics | Marula Mineral Cleansing Mask

Coola Daydream™ Mineral Primer SPF 30

Tarte Tarteguard 30 Sunscreen Lotion Broad Spectrum SPF 30
HealthNotes | Vitamin Packs
Real Science | Real Convenience | Real Value
#glow #complexion #skincare

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